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Nadi Astrology - 5 - Process of finding Nadi Amsa

In the previous article, we discussed about the Nadi Amsa concept. In this article, let us discuss the ways to identify the Nadi Amsa. Nadi Amsa is 48 seconds of time. By dividing it into purva and para divisions and further dividing it into parts, we can understand that a birth happens in every 6 seconds. The challenging part starts from here as how to know precisely the 6 seconds of time.

This has multiple complexities.

  1. No clock will ever show the precise time in seconds. So the birth time we consider is not accurate for any horoscope. So we cannot define the Nadi Amsa precisely for any individual per se.

  2. What is the real birth time of an individual? There are different views on this. Nisheka (conception), Sirshodaya (head sighting), Bhupatana (delivery) - out of these three which one should be considered as the correct time of birth? Nisheka refers to the moment when a sperm fertilizes with egg inside the womb. Some astrologers, especially of the old generation, believe that this should be the correct birth time.

According to some others, the time spent by baby inside the mother's womb is not considered. Few others believe that Sirshodaya would be the right time as its life starts once the baby comes into the world. Few others support the time when baby falls down to the ground (Bhupatana) to be the right time. Now a days no baby is born in this method as they are delivered in hospitals and in operation theatres.

According to my opinion, It is logical to consider the time of birth when the baby’s umbilical cord is cut as the life begins independently at that moment. Many people agree this as the time of birth. Since no two clocks show precisely the same time in seconds, the time of birth is not accurate for anyone. That would be the reason why birth time of any chart is considered as merely approximate for analyzing a horoscope. But this is not adequate for analyzing a Nadi horoscope. Now a days, we have many clocks but the problem remains as it was in the olden days as none of them shows the same time.

In olden days, the time is estimated correctly to the extent of Ghadiya and Vighadiya, based on the movement of Sun in the day and on Moon & stars in the night. We can still find some people with such skills in remote villages of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa. However this skill is rapidly vanishing now.

In order to mitigate this challenge, an innovative technique was discovered in ancient times. There is a hidden relation between the human body, star constellation and planets. A person born at a particular time will definitely have certain identifiable marks on his body. This is popularly called as Physiognomy. The formation of lines on palm especially the thumb are unique to each individual.

Modern day science also concurs that the thumb impression is an exceptional way to identify a person. Ancient Astrology went one-step ahead and decided that the right hand thumb for males and left for females are distinct identifiers. We find in Vedas, aṅguṣṭha mātrō puruṣaḥ, the soul is of the size of thumb, which might be the standard for this derivation.

Just as the Nadi Amsa precisely provides the birth time in a variation of 6 seconds, in a similar manner the thumb impression provides the uniqueness of a person. There is a relation between Nadi Amsa and thumb impression. This is the sole reason why a thumb impression is needed for identifying the Nadi Talapatra (palm leaf scripture) of the individual concerned.

We find a mention of the method of analyzing the total horoscope based on thumb impression in Ravana Samhita. Ravana is an excellent Vedic and Vedanga scholar. If possible we will discuss about Ravana Samhita in later articles.

For current discussion, the Nadi Amsa can be determined in two ways. One is with the thumb impression which needs expert training to examine the lines, Sanku, Chakras, other curves and small spots. It is possible to find the Nadi Amsa based on this. But many of the current Nadi readers do not have this knowledge. They can only find a group of Nadi Talapatras (palm leaf scriptures) based on the lines of thumb of a person.

Second method is to compare the incidents in life for a certain period with the details of Nadi. The time of birth can be ascertained in a regressive way and there by the future predictions can be forecast. Now a days, many Nadi astrologers are following this method.

All rights reserved. This article has been translated by Manibabu A, which was originally posted in on March 5, 2009. The content or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher.

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