Events that took place in Panchawati in 2018 at a glance.
1. The second edition of Telugu book ‘Sri Vidya Rahasyam’ was released. In this edition, a new chapter named ‘The four traditions’ was added with about fifty poems explaining the four types of traditions followed in Sri Vidya.
2. English e-book ‘The secret of Sri Vidya’ was released which is the translated version of Telugu book ‘Sri Vidya Rahasyam’.
3. English e-book ‘Hidden Meanings of Lalita Sahasra Nama’ was released which is the translated version of Telugu book ‘Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Rahasyardha Pradipika’.
4. The e-book and print version of ‘Vijnana Bhairava Tantra’ were released in both Telugu and English.
5. E-book and print books of ‘Dattatreya Yoga Shastra’ and ‘Sri Jabala Darsanopanishad’ were released in Telugu.
6. E-book and print books of ‘The science of Yoga according to Lord Dattatreya’ and ‘Sri Jabala Darsanopanishad’ were released in English.
7. A spiritual retreat was conducted with the members of Panchawati at Guntur.
8. We have purchased an ashram in Jillellamudi, the place of Mother of Jillellamudi and a spiritual retreat was organized on that occasion.
9. A spiritual retreat was conducted at Warangal with the members of our group. ‘Maha Souram’ e-book was released in Telugu.
10. About forty members of our Panchawati family visited Jayarambati, Kamarpukur, Dakshineswar and Belur Math. ‘Maha Souram’ print book was released in Telugu at Jayrambati.
2018 has been a very rewarding year to us as many books were published by Guruji. 2018 also offered many valuable insights to our members and opened up new direction in their lives.
Our spiritual journey continues !!